Philippines Angeles Mission
November 2012 - May 2014

Thursday, March 28, 2013

Bataan Death March

We went with Elder and Sister Lutz to put water filters on in all the missionaries houses. That took us to Capas which is where Camp O'Donnell was during world war 11. This is one of the stops of the Bataan Death March where thousands died.
We took the time to go see the memorial built there. There are actually two, this first one is at the side of McArther Highway
It had this sculptured scene all the way around the base and a pool below on the back side'
This second memorial was quite a ways off the main road but is the actual place where the camp was. This tall tower has walls around it and the names of all the Philippinos who died there. Thousands of names.
The men were marched fram Bataan to San Fernando and then loaded on these boxcars. The cars have tin roofs and this was the middle of the Philippine hot season so it is estimated the temperature was 110-120 degrees. They were packed in there so tight that those who died did not fall. The doors were shut and they were left there for about 3 hours before the train started to move. They were not given any water. That part of the march ended in Capas.
This memorial at the side had all the Americans names on it. There were far more Philippinos than there were Americans but the count is not definate because so maany of the natives were able to slip away and hide or mingle with their countryman and were not found. Those of you who are history buffs can probably correct some of my report but that is what I remember.
While we were there my camera was doing weird things and I did not know how to change the settings so I saw these boys sitting in the shade of the monument and I thought teenage boys will know what to do, so I went over and ask them and sure enough they did. The boy in the black and white shirt told us he is a member of the church and hopes to serve a mission in a couple of years. They were all such nice boys.
I liked this tribute to those men who endured all that they did

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Relief Society Anniversary

The district Relief Society had it's anniversary party last Saturday. Each branch had a table and demonstrated cooking seafood.
After the demonstration they filled their table with rice and many other dishes and then it was a free for all filling plates and eating. I never saw food disappear so fast! There were as many men and children there as there were woman.
Then each branch did a cultural dance. Some went all out with their costumes and some were very simple.
I expected there cultural dances to be more like the other islands but it is very much like the Spanish. I guess since Spain controlled these islands for so many years their culture was adopted.
Then some of the ladies sang for us. This cute girl is 28 and has a son but her husband works abroad to support them. He has been gone for three years and will not be home for another year!
Of course a party would not be complete without some games. This one was a relay while balancing the book on your head. These ladies are very good at it.
We went to another FHE with the sisters and Sister Evangelista had offered to cook so here she is in the families kitchen.
While she cooked we entertained the kids by taking their pictures. They love to have their picture taken.
Once a month we have a couples meeting at the mission presidents home. We enjoy spending that time with these older missionaries. From left are Elder and Sister Forte from Virginia, Elder and Sister Lutz from Weston, President and Sister Martino, Elder and Sister McCord from Payson Ut.,.Elder and Sister Teischner also from Payson, and of course us.
You've all heard the conspiracy theory that Elvis is still alive somewhere, well it's true and here's the proof!!
Here he is in everyday clothes but at church he always wears white pants and a long sleeved lavendar dress shirt with matching tie and with the sleeves rolled up and white shoes. We all call him Elvis and everyone knows who we are talking about. He's a great guy, faithful as can be. No wife as far as I know.

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Eventful Week

This ia Elder Carazzco from Los Angeles Ca. He has only been in our zone a month but he has accomplished a great deal. He went to an area that was split off from another area so this is the first time there have been elders that could work this village full time. Church attendance has only been 20-25 on a good day and they found the people quite hostile to them. So they decided to have a community family home evening and they went door to door inviting everyone. They told them they were going to show videos about Jesus Christ. There is no movies or TV out in these villages so the people look forward to something to do.  When we got there we were amazed to see almost 200 people there. And the sweet Relief Society Sisters managed to feed them all!
Elder Carazzco is going home tomorrow so they had a farewell party for him in the branch and about 60 came, several who have been less active for years.
Elder Moser got to baptise these two children Friday. They are the children of Levi Gregasso, the man he baptised a couple of months ago. Levi is to Kents left and the mother is in pink at the front.
Another baptism this week in Birbira. These elders are Elder Nields from N Ogden and Elder Dela Cruz from the Philippines
Today we had the opportunity to present 6 keyboards to students who had taken lessons from the last two couple missionaries that were here. There is a lot they have to do to qualify for their own keyboard which is funded by a couple who served in the Philippines some time ago. ( I think)
Thanks to modern technology we were able to get the Roberts and Prisbrey's , who had been the teachers, on skype and they watched the presentation and then spoke to each one of the students. It was so fun.
The hard part of this week was saying goodbye to one of our all time favorite missionaries. ( Make room family, we have added another grandson!!) Elder Blackham was transfered and made a zone leader. He is awsome and will do a great job.He will work with Elder and Sister Lutz now.We sure do love him. His companion, Elder Stunoda will be a trainer after only 3 months.
Every week the missionaries have a service day, sometimes each companionship does there own thing and sometimes they do a big project all together. This day they all cut and stacked wood for a widow.
Whenever they work together Sister Evangelista cooks lunch for everyone. She is trained as a chef and hopes to have her own business someday. Anyway the elders LOVE her food! They are not allowed to go into the sisters house so she serves it on the back porch and they fill a plate and find a spot to sit.The tablecloth is banana leaves and the outside is rice with chicken feet inside it and a pork with gravy in the big pan. I couldn't bring myself to try the chicken feet but the rest was good.
Of course while they are waiting for lunch they have to find something to occupy themselves with so they all invaded our bed!!  Elder Moser kept warning them if they break our bed there will be war!